"The brotherhood is greater than any one of us, for it requires all of us to thrive. Together, we are stronger and more capable of achieving our collective goals."

Papa Heffay

If you made it to this page that means either your lost and need directions back to shop or you wanna be part of the brotherhood….

Are you interested in learning more about the BROTHERHOOD? If so, I would like to personally thank you. The BROTHERHOOD is an idea that struck me so profoundly one night that it woke me up from my sleep.

There is a problem in this world: thousands of people feel lost, hurt, and depressed, and they need someone who understands. They feel like their struggles are not being heard by their peers. The BROTHERHOOD seeks to address this issue.

Being part of the BROTHERHOOD means standing up against the struggles we face and helping others to stay strong as they confront their own difficulties.

  • Self-Growth

    As a member of the Brotherhood, self-growth is paramount. You must strive daily to become better than you were the day before. Failure is inevitable, but don't let it stop you from achieving your goals - never give up!

  • Be Part Of The Solution

    As a member of the Brotherhood, you must open your eyes to the world around you and do your part to make a difference. We have seen too much hatred in the world; let us instead show compassion and empathy towards our fellow human beings.

  • Be A Set Of Ears For Someone Else

    As a member of the Brotherhood, you may encounter someone in need of a listening ear. Be that person for them. Listen to them and be a friend in their time of distress. You never know how much of a difference you can make in someone's life simply by lending an ear.

  • Spread the word

    As a member of the BROTHERHOOD, I urge you to join us in fostering a thriving community. This isn't about promoting the brand; it's about cultivating a collective of individuals who are dedicated to helping one another.

  • Let The Drip Team Be A Part Of Your World

    Experience life to the fullest and capture the memories with photos! If you're wearing our merchandise, don't forget to take pictures, post them, and tag us using #DRIPTEAM and #DRIPDELINQUENT, as well as @PAPA_HEFFAY. Show off your style and join the DRIPTEAM movement!


    Whatever it is that brings you joy, savor it to the fullest and show yourself and others compassion and kindness. Embrace the moments that bring you happiness and share your love with those around you.

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Thank you for checking YES above! We are thrilled to hear that you are interested in joining our BROTHERHOOD community. Are you ready to extend a helping hand to others and treat them like family? We believe in giving advice, showing compassion, and empathy to those in need. Let's work together to create a supportive and uplifting environment for all members.